Thursday, June 10, 2010

Blogs I Love Lately

Hello Glamouristas,
Just some eye candy that I've been looking at in the past few weeks.
Fellow Blogspotters!

Ciao Glamouristas!

Words We Create

Hello Glamouristas,
Lately I've been looking for comfort within words. I tried to get some encouragement from The Boyfriend, while I'm searching for a glimmer of hope. I failed. I knew he wasn't much of a talker but i had hoped he could say something postive instead of always being realistic and rational. In a way it makes our relationship strong because we're similar yet so different.

Some words I have here to resonate with me, I hope it does for you too and there's even some beuty in the way words are presented as art.

See how these words have an effect on your self esteem? I expected these words from The Boyfriend, but I was upset by his inability to say things like this and I had to tell him that I wanted encouragment, Men really aren't simple creatures haha, everything feels like hardwork to them. I love him so much it hurts. I'm going through a difficult time of trying to get my life back in order, It's a step by step appraoch, I'm getting happier because I'm doing what I want in the time frame that suits me. Happiness takes in many forms, try and find the things that make you happy even if it's just looking up at the stars at night or perhaps playing ball with your dog or reading vogue. Anything will do.

Ciao Glamouristas!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Inspirations for my own place

Hello Glamouristas!
As you can see I'm about to make this blog more pleasing to the eye with new headers and more pretty things. I felt it was time to go to another level with my blogging relationship, unlike my relationship with The Boyfriend. Gosh who knew relationships were hard work? by far this is the 2nd longest relationship i've ever been in, so I guess kudos to me, the reformed single girl. The wild child has been tamed.

Anyhoo, onto what I want to talk to you lovelies about, the decor in my non-existant new place. I'm still trying to find somewhere to live, It's a battle and a half that's for sure. But I do enjoy going to inspections and imagining what I could do with the space if I was succesfull with my applications :) I'm quite the day dreamer.

Without further ado, here are the pictures that inspire me.



Does everyone get the gist of what I'm trying to show you? I hope so!
So it's like a mix of shabby chic with french decor, I want lots of black and white with hints of pink and also lots of mirrors. I'm thinking of doing up my bed side table in mirror mosaic, I've done it before for my HSC major work, which will feature as artwork in my new space.

Now for more pressing matters, I feel that if It's too girly The Boyfriend won't want to visit. Am I paranoid? Honestly though. Maybe if i put more black and white and less pink he'll feel more at peace? But i really shouldn't care what he thinks of my space. its exactly that. My space.. my chance to have a place exactly the way I want before I co-exist with him, before the merging of the things.
That seems more rational doesn't it?
My current bedroom is already decked out like this, imagine a whole house! It's going to be BEAUTIFUL! I cannot wait to weave my magic :)

Ciao Glamouristas!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Change of Heart

Hello Lovelies,
I'm going to start calling you Glamouristas soon, it goes better with the title of the blog :) I Hope you do't mind terribly :)
So anyways i've found some lovely things on a site called The Queen of The Cocktail Dress or better seen at
I wanted to share with you some amazing collections from Autumn Winter 09/10
First up is JEZEBEL -with an infusion of Betty Page and the likeness of Wheel and Dollbaby

up next is VALKYRIA!

Well thats pretty much all for today, but i do think i'll be back on later sometime
Ciao Lovelies!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Hello Lovelies,
Just thought I'd share with you the colours of the rainbow!!

Ciao lovelies!